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Introductions, the weather, staying on topic, the Book, and "Where is all the music?"

(We use SoundCloud for now ... enjoy!)

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Be sure  to let us know what's going on in the music scene, leave some feedback, or simply say hello!

Contact Hipster-Kill-Hipster via E-mail: hipsterkillhipster@gmail.com
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The WeCan/ELLAS Show!

This past Saturday (12/17/11) Odi and I (John) attended the first ELLAS collective in Wilmington. Partnering with WeCan (Wilmington Enrichment Community Artist Network), created a great space for local female fronted band and female artist to display their many talents. The art was amazing! You had graffiti art, paintings, photography, graphic designs, wood block prints, charcoal, pen drawings, and some performance pieces. A lot of these pieces of art were on sale. Fortunately for us, we came early and got a good look at all the art work and were able to speak to a few of the artists themselves. The bands that performed that night were Last Legs, a two piece consisting of Maria on Bass/Keyboard/Vocals and Andrew on Guitar/Vocals, who have a sound that would fit somewhere between pop music and indie with some very powerful and emotionally driven lyrics. Cochinas, a four piece consisting of Maria (not to be confused with Maria of Last Legs) on Drums/Guitar/Vocals, Emilia on Bass/Guitar/Vocals, Cochina Platano on Guitar/Drums, Jose on Guitar/Bass, whose sound consisted of a Garage/Surf/Punk feel with lyrics that ranged from love to absolute randomness. Feral Kizzy, a five piece consisting of Candice, Johnny, Brenda, Shea, and Mike, performed but I was unfortunately outside when they were performing and for that I apologize. I know, bad reporting John! But I will post their link to their Facebook at the end of the blog. The last band that performed that night was a band named White Murder, consisting of Paul on drums, Hannah on vocals, Mary on vocals, Mike on bass, and Reuben on guitar. They have sound that would consist a bit like adding female pop vocals to a mod/punk band. It was a great night and we had lots of fun checking it out. Make sure you hit up the next event when it comes up! We will keep you posted on it!(I know I'm not the best writer right now but I promise to get better! :P)

Here are links to check out/contact the organizations/bands:

WeCan Facebook

WeCan Official Website

ELLAS Facebook

Last Legs Facebook

Cochinas Facebook

Feral Kizzy Facebook

White Murder Facebook

Greetings from a Mathematician!

  The fact that I erased five sentences before deciding that the first sentence on the post would be this one is the very point of the post itself. I admit, writing is difficult, but that shouldn't stop anyone from doing it. Give it a try! This very blog is intended for the reader (you) to be active, so I'm going to dedicate a post to "breaking-the-ice" between you and your writing. The best solution I came up with was to write about my own personal writing process in hopes that by sharing my experience you (the reader) will come to terms (maybe a little?) with your own.
  When it comes to writing I get semi-intimidated. There are a few reasons for that, the first is being unsure if my meaning would be completely conveyed. In other words, I'm not confident that I have written an item the reader will understand. Not because the reader is not "up to level" with me, rather because I tend to write in a confusing manner, enough to confuse myself when I re-read my writing.  I'm also very critical and technical about my writing - even though nothing requires me to do so. For instance, I'm obsessed with commas, even though I'm sure half of them don't belong where I insert them, due to the fact that I feel commas should be placed where I placed them. Other grammatical quirks are: spelling, vocabulary, proper past/present/future tense use, and spacing. (As a result, I end up taking up an extra half an hour on a writing project)
  The biggest chunk of my semi-intimidation is a feeling of "unworthiness".  What do I mean?  Well, say you get an idea. It's an excellent idea, but something or another blocks you from acting on that idea. That something, that's what I'm referring to. When I have a great topic to write about but end up not writing about it is because the more I think about the piece, the more I feel someone else could do better, or there are "somethings" standing in the way (research, time, creativity, etc.). Everyone has their own somethings, but they are just that - somethings. One must get a hold of themselves and just go for it - write!
  The lesson: when it comes to writing, when it comes to stating your opinion, when it comes to having your voice being heard ... don't feel bad about it! As long as the end product is a piece you would be proud off, that's all that matters. Proud in a positive way, I think you know what I mean.
Photography Lessons with Gaby (not shown)
Me Leaning On a Traffic Light Pole

  Nonetheless, here are my own tips on writing, they might help, they might not, who knows?

1. Words don't have to be fancy, use your vocabulary.  Although, it helps to throw off your reader with rhetoric at times, we all learn a little at a time, no?
2. Stay on topic.  It is fairly easy to trail off, specially when one utilizes the infamous anecdotes of everyday life.
3. "Spell Check" is an algorithm.  Therefore, it's not always right, your style is more precious than what a computer code thinks it should be like.
4. Find your style, get comfortable, and do it!  The actual "do it" part is the most critical ... I believe in you!
5. Your opinion will get challenged, what's next?  Answer: get ready to defend it logically, or accept defeat.  Open-mindedness, the elixir of life.

That pretty much sums it all up.  Now, get creative!

- Odi